Why work with Treetop Editing?

  • You have competing academic responsibilities and need your writing time is being squeezed.
  • You are not sure about grammar and punctuation rules.
  • The argument of your manuscript doesn't seem to flow as well as it should.
  • Your book proposal has been rejected and you want to revise it and try again.
  • Your work is being rejected because of minor errors due to English not being your first language.

Some editorial support can help with all these points and more. Take a look at the services I offer and contact me if you would like more information or or a quote.

Academic Services

Developmental Editing

This is the earliest stage of editing and addresses the broad issues of structure and organization, the development of a coherent narrative, engagement with sources, and the authorial tone.

Book Proposals

Your book proposal, whether academic or trade, should argue the business case for why your book should exist and persuade a publisher to invest in you. I can assist with all aspects of book proposal preparation.


I will ensure there is a consistent, accurate presentation throughout and that the text flows. Errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation will be corrected. I can also check references, ensure that figures and images are in the right place, and that hyperlinks work.


Proofreading is a final check on your document before it is published. This service picks up any last typographical errors and formatting issues.

For more information or a quote, please contact me.